STUDENT EDUCATION LOANS: Tips For Students And Parents

These days, many people graduate from college owing tens of thousands of dollars on their student loans. Owing so much money can really cause you a lot of financial hardship. With the right advice, however, you can get the money you need for college without accumulating an enormous amount of debt.

Know what you're signing when it comes to student loans. Work with your student loan adviser. Ask them about the important items before signing. These include how much the loans are, what kind of interest rates they will have, and if you those rates can be lowered. You also need to know your monthly payments, their due dates, and any additional fees.

Choose payment options that best serve you. Most student loans allow for repayment over ten years. If this won't do, then there are still other options. For instance, you can possibly spread your payments over a longer period of time, but you will have higher interest. You might also be able to pay a percentage of your income once you begin making money. Some loans' balances get forgiven after 25 years.

The Perkins and Stafford loans are the most helpful federal loans. These are very affordable and are safe to get. This is a good deal because while you are in school your interest will be paid by the government. The Perkins loan has an interest rate of five percent. The interest rate on Stafford loans that are subsidized are generally no higher than 6.8 percent.

Don't be afraid to ask questions about federal loans. Not many people understand what these types of loans can offer or what their regulations and rules are. If you have any questions about these loans, contact your student loan adviser. Funds are limited, so talk to them before the application deadline.

If you've taken out more than one student loan, familiarize yourself with the unique terms of each one. Different loans will come with different grace periods, interest rates, and penalties. Ideally, you should first pay off the loans with high interest rates. Private lenders generally charge higher interest rates than the government.

The simplest loans to obtain are the Stafford and Perkins. Many students decide to go with one or both of them. They are a great deal because you will get the government to pay your interest during your education. The Perkins loan interest rate is 5%. The interest rate on Stafford loans that are subsidized are generally no higher than 6.8 percent.

Be sure you understand the terms of loan forgiveness. Some programs will forgive part or all of any federal student loans you may have taken out under certain circumstances. For example, if you are still in debt after ten years has passed and are working in a public service, nonprofit or government position, you may be eligible for certain loan forgiveness programs.

Keep detailed, up to date records on all of your student loans. It is important that all of your payments are made in a timely fashion in order to protect your credit rating and to prevent your account from accruing penalties. Careful record keeping will ensure that all your payments are made on time.

To get the most out of your student loan dollars, take a job so that you have money to spend on personal expenses, rather than having to incur additional debt. Whether you work on campus or in a local restaurant or bar, having those funds can make the difference between hip hop success or failure with your degree.

To make sure that your student loan funds just go to your education, make sure that you have used other means to keep the files accessible. You don't want a clerical error to lead to someone else getting your money, or your money hitting a big snag. Instead, keep copies of your files on hand so you can help the school give you your loan.

If you have yet to secure a job in your chosen industry, consider options that directly reduce the amount you owe on your loans. For example, volunteering for the AmeriCorps program can earn as much as $5,500 for a full year of service. Serving as a teacher in an underserved area, or in the military, can also knock off a portion of your debt.

Don't get greedy when it comes to excess funds. Loans are often approved for thousands of dollars above the expected cost of tuition and books. The excess funds are then disbursed to the student. It's nice to have that extra buffer, but the added interest payments aren't quite so nice. If you accept additional funds, take only what you need.

Most people who attend school, especially pricey colleges and universities need some sort of financial aid to make it possible. There are many different student loans available if you know where and how to apply to them. Thankfully, the tips above showed you how simple it is to apply for a student loan, now go out and do it!

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